I’ve received a lot of worried emails, DMs, tweets, and posts about the cancellation notice Amazon sent out for Thrice Cursed. I would like to address that here, so you guys understand what has happened and what will happen.
I heard back from my developmental editor on Thrice Cursed last week. She asked me to do a full-scale revision on the book, which means I’ll be rewriting it from the ground up over the next few months.
That also meant I had to cancel the pre-order.
There weren’t a lot of them, but I still hate to disappoint you guys.
I’ve worked with my dev editor for ten years (no, eleven years now!), and when she tells me a book isn’t there yet, I listen. She’s proven to me time and again that her advice is golden.
Actually, the last time she and I had this chat was about the original version of How to Save an Undead Life.
Here’s hoping Thrice Cursed will come back as strong from its facelift as that one. But maybe not require two years to get there like Grier and Linus, who took their sweet time.
Mike Kanner says
I will continue to pre-order as soon as you announce any book.
Hailey says
Thank you so much for your continued support! It means so much to me.
Sami says
Lisa Hoetger says
I received a notice from Amazon this morning stating that the pre order had been canceled. I hope that the parts you’ve shared will make it into the rewrite. They were SO good. I look forward to reading the finished product. Happy writing! ♡
Lisa says
Thank you for the update. I loved the snippet you provided earlier and am excited for this new series. Good Luck on the re-write, I know we’ll love it.
I’ll just re-pre-order 🙂
Sami says
Hi, Hailey! You do what you gotta do. We’ll wait and I, for one, will be grateful for the awesomeness that is going to come out of this.
Roxanne Montgomery says
I got the notice from Amazon this morning and had a meltdown! LOL Can’t wait for you to start this new round… Sending the best juju!
Elizabeth Johnson says
I will gladly wait until it’s ready !!! Thanks for letting us know. Forever a fan !
Laura Walker Boyd says
I am so looking forward to this book. The sample I read really grabbed me! I’m sure it will be fabulous! Do that magic you do so well ?and I’ll be looking forward to a splendid read! Thanks for all of your wonderful characters and worlds!
Laura Boyd
Terry Daigle says
Phew! I can wait! And I will preorder it again as soon as you (and your dev editor) are happy with it. ?
Sunshine Rodriguez says
I’ll happily wait for the book and eagerly grab it when it’s ready. ☺️
TBGTN is one of my favorite series so if she had you do the same with its first book, who are we to argue with your dev editor. ?
Shelby Benigno says
Dang near had a heart attack. I’ve had this book in my “To Be Read A.S.A.P. When Published” list for what seems like forever now, after reading a chapter blurb at the end of one of your other books. My brain was pinging me all morning, “Hey, you, check on that one book! It’s important!” Then when it liked to the “Sorry…” Page I freaked out. Glad to know it just needs a rework and isn’t a full on cancelation. I will be not-so-patiently awaiting it’s revamped arrival. ?
Victoria Geo says
Exactly what my reaction was!!! I must have checked that book 10 times already to see the date it goes out, and almost had a meltdown when I saw the cancellation message. I was soooo excited by that excerpt like I religiously read everything in every book I get, so I’ve read tens if not hundreds of excepts and nothing had ever made me want to sink my teeth in a book more. Gee, that was amazing.
Maybe the only exception is the ending in Over the moon – I’m still salty I didn’t get to learn what is the secret story of Theo – that sounded extra exciting as well! You get me Lorimar pack fans? No? I guess it’s only me then.
Anyway, I will be in the group of not-so-patiently waiting with you, Shelby, cause Thrice cursed looks like the bomb!
Liz Underwood says
Thank you for letting us know! I hadn’t preordered yet, but it was on my TBR list for March so I went looking for it and couldn’t find it listed anywhere. Hope the rewrite goes well. I look forward to reading it.