Back to School
Submissions Deadline May 15, 2012
To be released mid-August through mid-Sept. 2012
Liquid Silver Books is focusing on fall with the 3 Rs: Reading, wRiting, and Romance at school. And just for fun, if you have a yen to swat someone with a ruler, we’d love to hear about that too! Your story can be any school-related theme, from single parents who meet at their kids’ school event, non-traditional students who are returning to school later in life to make their dreams come true, or two second language students who meet over a dictionary. Or maybe your story is about a teacher who meets a love interest at school, either a co-worker or student’s parent. If you have a romance that starts at school, we want to see it.
Your story can be of any length or romance sub-genre, between 15K and 100K, and any heat level, from our sweeter Platinum through our explicit Molten, and any pairing—ménage or other multiple partner relationship is okay as long as it is a romance and not erotica, and it ends with happily ever after, or at least happy for now.
For more information and how to submit your story, please see our website’s submissions guidelines page athttp://www.liquidsil…/guidelines.htm or contact our Managing Editor Georgia Woods at