Have a book to promote? Know someone who does?
Try blogging for Savvy Authors and take advantage of the over 8000 unique visitors per month (25% of them new visitors) with an average time on site is 8 min per visitor, and over 175,000 pageviews per month. Our blog postings are persistent and continue to receive views after the date of posting. The average blog post receives 200-250 unique reads per week.
We’re looking for published authors willing to write a substantive blog on any aspect of the craft of writing, publishing and promotion. At this time we are not booking blogs related to self-publishing. I have openings beginning the mid March and forward. We are able to accommodate requests for multiple dates.
Our blogs, when posted, are able to accommodate a book blurb and graphic as well as a link to purchase.
We ask that blogs be between 1000 and 1500 words.
If you’re interested in scheduling a date during 2013 please contact me directly at: sharon@savvyauthors.com Dates are assigned on a first come, first serve basis. If you have a particular date in mind please specify it.
Permission to Forward Granted and Encouraged.
Sharon Pickrel