Have you ever had a dream come true? Ever wanted to make someone else’s dream a reality? Here’s your chance.
Taken from Bria Quinlan’s website.:
As many of you know, I’m a finalist for RWA’s Golden Heart Award in the Young Adult category (YAY!!!!) I honestly cannot think of a bigger pre-published accomplishment than finaling in this. The only downside is, the awards are held in NYC during a week-long conference. It’s the only thing that would have gotten me to attend…but there’s no way I’m missing it!
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m going to share more than I usually would (or feel comfortable doing) – I was laid of from my last “real job” almost 4 years ago. For the first year, I didn’t truly panic. I thought “Oh, any second now something will come up.” I was the person who turned jobs and contracts down before. I got to pick and choose… But nothing did come up. For the last few years, I’ve worked retail jobs, but even that market is tight. Seasonal jobs no longer turn into full-time jobs like they used to.
Now I’m writing and working retail and constantly looking for a “real job” that will make ends meet while living in my best guy friends loft. Again, so blessed by the people in my life.
But, I can’t afford to go to the conference. And so, in another amazing act of being blessed — people have volunteered their time, energy and resources for an auction to raise money to get me there.
Here is the current list of donated items. If you have a question (or your one of my friends I didn’t bother and you’d like to donate something) you can comment here or email me at briaquinlan AT aol.com.
The actual auction starts next Monday, May 2nd.
If you’re not up for an auction, another way to support me (and MG Buehrlen) is to check out our Writer’s Yardsale store for awesome writerly stuff.
Thank you *everyone* who has pitched in to get me to NYC! I have been so overwhelmed by the responses of people who were putting themselves out there for me.
You can read more about Bria’s journey here. The full list of prizes is here.
Me? I’ll be keeping my eye on this prize:
ITEM TEN: 3 Chapters & synopsis by Jodi Henley
Jodi Henley is a story consultant based in the Seattle area. Highly sought after for her ability to handle difficult or unusual character-driven stories, Jodi is a craft of writing geek. Her obsessive Myer-Briggs INTJ personality drives her to explain her findings, and she considers herself lucky to have a receptive audience. A long-time blogger, her blog is a popular writer’s reference for people in fields from play-writing to Christian magazines and newspaper journalism. Find her at http://jodihenley.blogspot.com/
Jodi is willing to analyze a synopsis and three chapters for whatever the recipient needs. Exceptions are chick-lit, YA and first person present.